We see violence every day; it is part of our lives. On the streets we travel, in our personal experiences or on the news, it is inevitable. And what is our answer most of the times? More violence…
We can’t help it, it is the animal inside us, when someone threatens our ego, our personal space, our ideals, our beliefs, we approach them with our chest out, our voice raised, ready to fight for this, this thing that is ours that we must protect.
When we see police brutality we can’t help but imagining ourselves there with a baton ready to smack someone on the head. So let’s say we have the chance to do this, we hit a police-officer with a baton or something because they were using brutality. What then? We run away, we try to escape but we can’t, and we’re cornered by other members of the police force, and this time we are the ones that take a beating. of course someone else comes and hits another officer to revenge our beating, and the perfect endless cycle continues. What do we expect to gain from this? If we beat enough of the police, it is certain that after a point in time they will not pother with their police batons, but will most likely use deadly force. And then will we have a civil war, between the demonstrators and the police? Death is the only outcome of such actions; I see no positive results in fighting fire with fire. A great mind once said ‘An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind’, and we killed that mind.
In my opinion, violence can be avoided, and then we might have different results from the ones we have had up to now through history. We must realize that we are provoked by the institutions on purpose; they see the endless cycle that comes from violence, and they see that only they can be victors, and even if it isn’t so, how many souls must perish to prove them otherwise? They want us to behave violently; they know that we do not think clearly when we act in an animalistic way, they know we cannot act together, organized, they know we are fragmented.
And when we realize, not merely understand, not just know, but truly realize the outcomes of violence, we will stop it, without an inner fight, without holding back, it will simply stop, for all that can come from it is self-destruction.
Why don’t we change?