Friday 26 August 2011

I feel conditioned

Have you ever wondered why you are who you are? Why you have the certain style you do, why you wear your hair in a certain way, why you think the way you think?
I cannot escape the feeling that it is all part of our programming. We are all programmed by society, education, the government and so many things around us daily. We are conditioned to our core, and if anyone says otherwise we fight back viciously believing that they want to take away our individuality.
When you are conditioned for a certain part of your life it is impossibly hard to change. And while you think your thoughts are your own, maybe not even that is left up to you anymore. Looking at yourself in the mirror you might not like the way you look, you might think you are too fat, thin, short, ugly, and so on, but that opinion may not belong to you. I am not saying that you should eat anything you want for example, without caring, because this will have consequences on your health and not only on your physical appearance. But throwing up after each meal, starving yourself to death, or spending countless of hours in a gym trying to improve your physical appearance, all this just to look like the models of an Italian runway, the actors of a Hollywood movie, or having the style of a rock band singer is absurd.
One must come to a very striking realization to see at least some of the things which are happening around us, and how controlled one truly is, and how much he wants to be and allows to be conditioned.
We go to school to learn to think a certain way instead of simply to learn to think. The school hours are also conditioning, breeding generations of workers and slaves to the social and economical systems. We go through life believing in these systems, not knowing what else could exist in its place, not trying to find other ways on how to be, this is how programmed to the core we are. Ultimately all systems have flaws, because every system will be just that, a system, which cannot deal with every possibility, and which will most likely have close minded rules, and no room for exceptions.
We are programmed from our birth on how to eat, how to sit, even how to talk, or this is good, this is bad, this is right, this is wrong, this is beautiful, this is ugly. When we are older we hear this voice in our heads, telling us how to think and feel. We believe this voice to be ours and trust it, love it and understand it, when all it is, is other peoples wants, powerful people, who rule us without us realizing it.
When we are born we are truly unconditioned. If an infant had understanding and the power to make clearer choices it wouldn’t choose to wear any particular designer clothes, walk around with 3,000 Euro bags, or drive the new BMW. The needs and wants to do these things will come after careful and deliberate planning from the world around it. From being pure and having simple wants and needs we grow up to consume, destroy, and want things which are utterly useless.
My mother is about 60 years old. Her hair is white but she dyes it black. When I tried to explain to her that she didn’t have to color it, that it’s normal, and she would be beautiful even if she let it grow white, she couldn’t realize what I meant. She said that she didn’t like it being white, it made her look ugly. What I was telling her was so different than what she grew to know, conditioned to know, that she could not accept it. I felt very sorry that I couldn’t explain it so that she could realize that beauty has nothing to do with hair or makeup or clothes. She heard a voice telling her “you look ugly with white hair, it’s disgusting, you have to color it!”
The voice of programming is much deeper than we realize, or even want to realize. Have you ever wondered why you are who you are?

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