Friday, 26 August 2011

I feel pressure

I went to school, then to the army (fortunately not for long), then to study. I got a job and I wake up every day at 8, brush my teeth and go to work. I go to work to make money, to buy useless things, to go to places and be overcharged, to be a consumer. Now what? Maybe I should have a serious relationship, get married, get a loan, buy a house, have kids, get a dog, smile and teach my sons and daughters to follow in my footsteps. Is this not the plan? I have to study, I have to get a good job, I have to perform, I have to consume, have a family, be happy and always want more. I have to care for my country, I have to watch the news, I have to vote, and I have to constantly hate someone.
Every day we go through so much pressure, no wonder the world is the way it is. Pressure from our parents, institutions, society, loved ones, close friends, and ourselves. We are always hurrying from one place to another, no time to think, no time to understand, no time to ask ourselves, “is this really what I want to do? Is this really what I want to be?” Some people find time, and ask questions. They are labeled antisocial, problematic, or stupid and delusional. If they ask deeper questions, searching for deeper answers, they are simply swept away by the tide of the people on top, the people where all the pressure is coming from, the people who do not want you to think for yourself, don’t want you to think at all because then you could realize what a scam it all is.
Pressure does not allow you to be here and now, but has you always living in the past worrying, and planning for the future. So it is very logical, when thinking about it, that we are unable to perceive things the way they are now, and can’t make things better, because very simply, one is not living in the here and now.
Pressure to consume is huge. Children are mocked if their shoes are not the newest style. People are frowned upon if their clothes are bought from an outlet store or are not in fashion. If your car is not new, or fast, or doesn’t smell of leather, it is not worthy. “Buy this, you have to, if you do not you will never be fulfilled” “this is the new and improved version, your old one is worthless!” this is the message we get in the end from all the advertising mayhem that exists constantly around us. Possessions take possession of you.
Our country makes us feel proud, gives us a sense of identity and belonging. We fight for it relentlessly and are happy to have the chance to do so, or at least this is the final outcome of the political and social pressure which is pointed toward us. And if we question this we are not patriots, we spit on our ancestors graves, and the ones who shed their blood for us to have what we have today, we become terrorists and antidemocrats, we do not care for our families and we are not grateful for everything which has been given to us, or basically sold to us.
Pressure breaks us, makes us violent and brings up all sorts of negative emotions, which ultimately eat us alive, from inside out. Pressure makes us unable to take matters in our own hands, make choices for ourselves and not for the people around us. It makes us wage war, destroy and pollute, do things we would not normally be doing, and behave in inhumane ways.
People do not perceive pressure and how it is a form of control. I believe that they ignore it, because if they didn’t, and they realized the amount of pressure one is constantly living under, we would automatically be crushed, and feel everything around us crumble to pieces.

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