Wednesday 24 August 2011

I feel a lack of faith.

I was born a human being, but I was baptized a Christian. After some years I grew tired of wanting to believe something which was forced upon me, and forced upon me from when I was an infant, from when I was too young to understand anything that was happening around me, let alone grasp the meaning of religion and the depth of faith.
When all I wanted was my mothers bosom and someone to care for me I was given an all seeing all loving father of humanity, a father which I was told from then that I would never grow to understand, that is a “being” so different than what my brain and animalistic features could ever ultimately perceive, that I had to blindly follow, believe and love him, no matter what.
 I believe any conversation on God leads to nothing and is fruitless. If we are children of god, and not of science, we could never understand the Supreme Being. Our minds are not made to understand such a reality as God, only if the concept of the soul exists, and we learn to live with it, could we ever perceive a fraction of what God is, and I repeat, if God exists at all.
 In my opinion all religions are mistaken, because I believe that if we really found the truth on these subjects, it would be impossible to ignore it. It would be so striking that it would automatically be perceived as the truth worldwide and universal. We are far from it, and even if we are close, we are certainly not there yet. Keep in mind that I always speak in my opinion; you don’t have to agree or disagree with me, but please try to understand why these certain opinions have been shaped.
My lack of faith is born from the actions of a politically and economically immoral institution, what we call the church. Since I was born in a Christian society I will mostly write what my problems are here. What automatically comes to mind is this: while poverty is destroying people’s lives, starvation killing them, lack of satisfaction in physical, social and security needs is degrading people and letting them be treated like animals and worse, a priest ordered a microphone with which he would be conducting his daily service. This was a special microphone, gold plated, and its cost was about 30,000 Euros. I keep wondering why this is possible, but unfortunately I do not understand it. I want to delete this from my memory; I do not want to consider it as a possibility. I want to forget all the grand temples I have seen in my life, all the gold, rubies, emeralds nailed on the walls and hanging from the ceilings of churches, which are considered to be spiritual places. I cannot help to think of the countless people in many countries which would benefit from the money spent on things like these, all the lives that could be saved, all the shelters that could be built and people who could be fed. Also, after some thought, something else comes to mind. All this gold and precious stones, where did they come from? How many people were killed digging night and day restlessly in mud, tortured and taken advantage of, people who were made slaves for the gratification of a few. So in reality, when one realizes this, it is easy to see that hanging in churches are corpses and skeletons of the past, and starving children and freezing homeless people of the future.
And this is only considering the decoration of a church and without going in depth to see the corruption and “brainwashing” of entire nations. Christians are either top, or close to the top of the list of groups which have killed the most people in history.

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