Wednesday 31 August 2011

I feel Psychedelic

From the dawning of mankind, people have been living in a symbiotic relationship with nature. Nature provides food and shelter, which are crucial for the existence of human beings. Without these we cannot move forward in life and do greater things. But nature also provided other things. It provided answers.
Certain plants or combinations of plants gave people another kind of power, a power which is a taboo today. This power is the power to travel into ones own psyche, ones own consciousness, and find things which he would otherwise never know were there, or never understand. These answers which were shared by humans all over the world in many different tribes, were either impossible to come by without this inward travel, or might need years of realizations and trying.
Today we have the legal and social systems which do not accept these altered states. In my opinion this is unfortunate because I think we are missing out on experiences which are life changing, and could help our human perspective become better in general. Maybe we could even regain our lost and loving relationship with nature. The nature which has been here long before us and which we are a part of. The nature we pollute and destroy daily, not realizing that we are actually doing these things to ourselves and our children
For those who are thinking that what happens under the effect of chemicals is something fake, just a hallucination and nothing more, something which is not normal and will change back once the experience is over, well you should realize that your whole life is based on chemicals. When you are happy or sad, that is just your endogenous neurobiology secreting chemicals that make you feel that way. When you are having sex, or when you experience pain, it is also caused by chemicals. Even our very perception of reality is based on chemicals. These are endogenous yes, but what about the aspirin you take when you have a headache, the coffee you drink in the morning, the alcohol you have at night in the bars or clubs you visit, or the tobacco you smoke constantly? These are all drugs, and some have far worse effects than others. Alcohol kills thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands of people yearly. But it is sold openly and freely in most, if not all, western countries and cultures, compared to marijuana which doesn’t have any fatalities from use or under the effects of it but has been illegal for a long time.
I am not saying that we should go out and start using whatever drugs we find, just for the fun of it. This is not the way it was done, and there is a very good reason for that. Instead we should reintroduce the shamans into our worlds, people who can guide us through journeys like this, and protect us. The shamans are a very important part of the whole picture, but there is no use in writing about them at the moment, since they are not accepted and understood. I will elaborate on them another time.  
We won’t have to use the plants forever. Once our perception has been changed and we start to realize things about life, nature, experience, and our interconnectedness with each other we can rebuild things in a better way, a better world for everyone
Maybe the plants are not even needed; maybe we can change things without them, and then again maybe not. Maybe the world is the way it is because we have lost this deeper connection with the wild, and stopped using these substances which come from mushrooms, cactuses, flowers and even animals.
One of these psychedelics is DMT. It is found almost everywhere in nature in small doses, and it is even produced by the human brain. There are theories which state that mystical experiences and trance induced realities are the cause of endogenous DMT secretion. This is fascinating to me, and makes me wonder, what If the answers mankind is searching for are so easily obtained from a plant, a chemical? And what If these things and experiences remain tabooed and illegal? Will we never find what we are looking for? Will we live in this state forever?
Unfortunately I cannot say for sure if the answers and realizations which come in this way are really worth something, but are we not even willing to try it? How long will we accept this world without searching for any means of improvement? The shamanic way has worked for thousands of years, why not now? 
Why not with us?

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